Monday, November 3, 2008

Need for reform

This video just makes me want to act today, tonight, tomorrow on promoting web 2.0 tools, teaching digital literacies and changing the way in which I teach and interact with students. This is a MUST see!


Jo-Anne Gibson said...

Thanks for sharing this great video. What's it called so I can find it on YouTube?


Joanne said...

Isn't this a great one? Jennifer Branch sent it to me and I posted onto our provincial association's blog--would be a great way to start a conversation in a PD session!

Jan said...

Thanks for sharing this Andrea, I've seen it somewhere else but couldn't find it. If possible, could you leave the link?
Jan P

Carol said...

Great video to post on the blog Andrea. I saw this one recently and enjoyed the message.

Jo-Anne - it is titled
Learning to Change-Chaning to Learn

carol t